Thursday, March 17, 2011

League of Legends

Well, This probably should've been my first post saying how league of legends is quite fun and everything, but I forgot that so i'll just do it now.

First off, League of Legends is completely free to play. The way they make money is if you want to buy cool different skins of any of the champions. But other than that, the cost to play is 0. You earn champions through in game currency called Influence Points (IP), so once you save up enough you can buy the champion that you wish to play. They have a bunch of free champions every week that rotates, so you will be able to try every champion sooner or later without buying anything with the in game currency. Although I do suggest searching up a champion that looks fun to play and saving up for it.

So the game is basically a battlefield, where the goal is to destroy the other teams base, ripping through 3 towers on the way in each lane. There are three lanes and mid is usually solo. During the middle/end it requires alot of teamwork and coordination (or at least more than the other team).

It's tough at the beginning to learn, but once you get the hang of it you'll be hooked.

I can try to write a League of Legends guide later on.

If you're interested sign up through my referral link, download and enjoy


  1. Oh man...I think I'm going to be addicted to this game now. I get easily addicted to games like this. Thank you so much! I'm sure once I start playing I'll be following this blog even more closely.

  2. Stopped playing to finish DA:O. Might hop back in next month.

  3. I'm lookin for a new game to play, would you REALLY recommend this one?

  4. Great in depth game, I'd recommend it to anyone.

  5. Another game that is slightly similar is Demigod, I enjoy playing that at Lans.

  6. Not really into RPG's. I guess I can give them a chance.

  7. man i love this game! my fav char is vlad.. hes kinda cheap tho
    -following and $upporting

  8. Is this better than Heroes of Neworth?

  9. I signed up last night and played a few games and it's a REALLY great free to play game. Usually free to play games disappoint me with the ability to only get most of the stuff through paying, but I REALLY like this system. Great game! Thanks so much for turning me on to it.

  10. I love LoL hope to fight you soon.
