Saturday, March 26, 2011


So I just recently bought the champion Renekton, good thing I didnt record any league of legends games with me playing him. It seems as if I would jump in and get destroyed quite fast at higher levels, and not even do enough damage for anything. Other than the survivability he is a pretty cool champion. Especially early game it seems im able to do alot more cause of the nature of his skills.

I usually go for defensive items like spirit visage, and have a bloodthirster abit later on for a bit more damage. He's an okay champion, i'm probably not playing him to the full potential but i'll definately keep at it. The couple of games with him that I played there was ALWAYS another renekton on the other team, which was quite annoying, especially when I keep laning against him.

I still prefer playing the champions that I said before and I don't know what other champion I should get. Maybe Irelia? At least its a female chamion so I can look sexy while I fail in games.

I did get a good recording earlier of a katarina game I played and I'll probably get that up on youtube as well, I got some awesome quadra kills on it so ill edit it down.

I also played a REALLY fun caitlyn game but I didn't get it recorded and I wish I had cause there was a bunch of lulzy moments.


  1. Yeah, I've been having fun with Caitlyn, except for the game I didn't get any kills that I played with you haha. But thanks for the tips, you've been helping me out a lot. Hope to play again with you guys soon, it was the most fun I had playing this game.

  2. Haha, you did alot better than me when I first started. It was fun and we'll play soon =)

  3. So this game is free. I will have to give it a swing.

  4. Looking forward to watching the katarina recording :)

  5. lol lulzy moments. i wanna see that.

  6. can't wait for a new video with a new champion :)

  7. video should be straight...although im a HoN man myself haha

  8. Looking forward to the vid upload, might have to hunt this game down since its free

  9. I really gotta pick this up, I've been saying I would for too long

  10. First off, Id like to say nice site you have here. It is very informative and should help a lot of players. That being said, ever since the nerf to Renekton, there are few players who consider him viable. I’ve never played Renekton before the patch, but i think Renekton is still as capable as before. Check out my gameplay, Renekton can still bring on the hurt.
